"Investment and construction facilities in the Republic of Kazakhstan"

In the period of globalization of business processes, which have entered a crisis situation over the past few years, it is more urgent than ever to continue further economic growth and new ways of achieving progress are needed. One of such solutions is the integration of business into new fast-growing economic regions, one of which is the Republic of Kazakhstan.
A favorable investment climate has been created within the Republic of Kazakhstan, which gives preferences to both internal and external market players. For the development of business processes in Kazakhstan, such support tools were introduced as: a favorable tax regime, the creation of special economic and industrial zones, an investment agreement, protection of investors' rights.
The key point for the economic development of Kazakhstan is the presence of large-scale investment priority projects launched in the last few years. At the beginning of 2022, the Republic of Kazakhstan became the leader in terms of foreign direct investment within the EAEU countries. According to the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, more than $23 billion has been attracted as investments from foreign countries.
The construction industry in Kazakhstan over the past three years has shown the ability to adapt to new political realities. According to the Bureau of National Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the period 2019-2021, on average, more than 15 million square meters of residential buildings were commissioned annually and construction works worth more than $33 billion were completed.The development of the industry is driven by large investment proposals received both from the domestic private sector and from attracting foreign capital. In dynamics over three calendar years, there has been an increase in investments in fixed assets, during this period more than $85 billion was attracted to the region.The indicators for 2021 in the construction sector showed a way out of the crisis state of the economy and further prospects for development due to new large investment projects.
In response to the market's need for fresh and up-to-date information about investment projects implemented in the region, INFOLine information and analytical agency has developed a weekly newsletter "Investment and Construction Facilities in the Republic of Kazakhstan". The main purpose of the preparation of the new INFOLine service is to identify news that has an impact on investment activity in the country.
The service "Thematic news: Objects of investment and construction in the Republic of Kazakhstan" is original information collected from the entire market and systematized about events in the field of construction or reconstruction of objects of various industries, international cooperation, events that affect investment activity in Kazakhstan. Based on data from trusted authoritative, specialized and specialized sources, a newsletter is formed – a constantly updated information map for your business.
The structure of the issue "Investment and construction objects in the Republic of Kazakhstan":
General news of the construction industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Industrial construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Investment projects in the mining and coal industry
Investment projects in the manufacturing industry
Investment projects in agriculture and food industry
Construction of facilities of the fuel and energy complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Investment projects in the electric power industry
Investment projects in heat and water supply
Investment projects in the oil and gas industry
Investment projects in the oil and gas processing industry
Civil and transport construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Investment projects in housing construction
Investment projects in commercial, administrative and commercial construction
Investment projects in transport construction
Characteristics of the newsletter:
- the materials of the newsletter are structured according to the main thematic sections and include news about investment plans, construction and reconstruction of facilities for various purposes;
- significant news contains information about companies, where the necessary contact information of organizations is provided;
- the frequency of providing the newsletter – 1 time per week;
- the total number of original publications included in one newsletter is on average 50-60 materials.
Sources of information:
- exclusive materials published by companies operating in this market;
- materials of closed databases of news feeds of agencies and publications in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- materials of Kazakhstan expert and analytical centers;
- data of Ministries, administrations of the countries of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- publications in business and industry regional media;
- industry portals and many others.